Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hello readers, and thank you!

A friend of mine suggested that I post a blog about regular goings on, and I thought that was a great idea! I am still getting the hang of this blog thing and love to hear from you (the readers!). I think it would be fun to hear what you would be interested in seeing in this blog. What do you like, not like, what you want more of - or what do you want that would be new to this blog!? As I am able to get larger and more readers, I hope to be able to do some give-aways! I try to always post if I have samples or coupons.

I'd like to share a few things about me! Besides my blog, I also run or co-run a few pages on facebook, in a wide range of catagories. I will include the links here in case you are interested in checking any of them out!
Friend's of Sarah's Free stuff is my personal page. It is a collective of places you can get freebies from brands, trial and review sites like I use to get the items that you see here for yourself, survey sites for money, sweepstakes and more Friend's of Sarah's Free Stuff!

Green Team: Salem is a page I created to try to get people to become more environmentally concious. Before my son was born, I organized some local trash pick ups in different areas of town. Volunteer basis for the good of our town. Lately we have been sharing news of great things happening to our environment locally and nationally. We also share great ideas for repurposing items to reuse, reduce and recycle. I would love to see more of these groups pop up for different locations! Green Team:Salem!

Salem Area Kids Freecycling is a group that a friend of mine started and invited me to become a co administrator. This group is for people from Salem/Keizer and surrounding areas to connect to post items they no longer need or items they are searching for. This group is great because it is a way to help others! This group is becoming quite large and very busy. Salem Area Kids Freecycling!

Prayer Warriors is a small group that I started to offer support to those that are facing troubles and need prayers. Prayer Warriors!

Let's Get Healthy! I started this page because so many people I know have been talking about needing to get into shape, eating healthier for one reason or another and I thought it would be great to start a group that could encourage, inspire and otherwise help people that need a little boost and some comradery. This group is still rather small, but there is always room for growth! Let's Get Healthy!

Lastly, I just started a very tiny group by request of a few of my clan members from the game application Clash of the Clans, by Supercell. This group is for members of our clan only however. The reason we keep it private is so that rival clans cannot view our conversations, strategies, etc! If you would like to join our clan on Clash of the Clans, our clan's name is THE DOMINATORS and our clan tag is: #8CRY20C . I am the leader of this clan. A few things to know about us. We go to war bi weekly. To join our clan you must be level 40 or above, have at least 1200 trophies, have a gold shield or above, have gold walls or better, attack twice in both wars and be friendly! If you decide to join my clan, please let me know and I can invite you to the facebook group ;)

If running all of those groups wasn't quite enough, I also am a stay at home mom to my 2 1/2 year old son. You will see Hank in many of the photos I take for my product reviews! He is quite the helper! I also am married, and this month is our five year wedding anniversary! Here is a picture of my son Hank and husband Casey.

I have a few great pets that are quite time consuming as well! I have two wonderful dogs. Both of them are ten year old seniors. My dog Dita Von Paws (or just Dita for short) is a Boston Terrier. She is very needy, loyal and loving. Dita has a neurological problem and sometimes has seizures. Dita has also had a stroke and it has affected one of her front legs and her walking. My second dog's name is Lenore. Lenore is a black and white Papillion. Papillion means butterfly in Frech! They're named that due to the hair on their ears resembling a butterflies wings!

I also have two wonderful fancy rats that I purchased from a wonderful breeder here in town. They are both males, and still young, only a few months old. Raphael's colorway is Russian Blue self. His fur is rex, which means that it is rumply/curley and his whiskers are curley as well! It is quite adorable. Louie's colorway is Russian Blue Siamese. Have you ever seen a siamese cat? That is exactly what he looks like, but the points are the greyish blue color. Both of my boys are dumbo earred, opposed to the traditional top-earred rats that you typically see. Dumbo ears are more to the side and a little wider. Here is a photo of my beautiful friendly boys! (If you're interested in getting a rat as a pet, I would love to talk to you and help you find a great one from a trusted breeder!)

I also have a Beta fish in a bowl, named NeeNee. But he is very very hard to photograph!

When I'm not working on my blog, product reviews, surveying for money, playing my game, watching my son... the list goes on! I do enjoy going out to eat, going to the movies (I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE DUMB & DUMBER TO!), watching television (I love Law & Order SVU, Bob's Burgers, King of the Hill, Star Trek the Next Generation, Everybody Loves Raymong, King of Queens, Roseanne, Seinfeld, more more more!), cooking, shopping, the beach, road trips. I have a very wide range of things I love! Enough about me for now! Can't wait to hear from everybody and I hoped that you've enjoyed this blog!

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