At my post op check up, we talked about it and they scheduled a dye test MRI. Basically it's a dye they inject into an IV and it helps enhance the magnetic resonance image. It was a simple procedure, it didn't hurt at all - then again I was on Valium... The results came back and showed that I had injured the exact place I had surgery one. L4/L5. The disc is pressing on the nerve worse than before.
Luckily for me, my friend bought me some CBD gummies to try. (CBD is the non psychoactive part of marijuana, it stands for cannabidiol.) CBD has been an amazing answer for me. I can get through the day and do chores, cook and walk short distances while I have it in my system. I pair it with ibuprofen and I feel almost normal. Unfortunately it is very expensive! It will hold me over before the next step in my back recovery journey.
My surgeon has scheduled a spinal fusion on L4/L5. What they do is join the two vertebrae together essentially. They remove disc, bone and ligament; and put a metal cage around the bone and put some screws in. I have to wear a brace for two months and take it easy, but hopefully this will be the right choice in my healing and I can get my life back for a while! I am nervous about this surgery, I won't lie, but I don't know what other option I have. I can't keep going on like this. I am starting to adapt, but I miss my old able bodied life. I am only 35, I deserve to have the best life I can have for myself and for my son.
I will keep everyone posted of my progress. My surgery is November 5th. I will be staying in the hospital at least two days. I am not too bummed out about that, because I really do love the food at the hospital. I must be a weirdo. My boyfriend is going to take care of the dogs and our apartment while I'm there. My ex husband and his wife will be taking our son for a couple of weeks to give me some time to heal and rest. I have been really blessed with the people around me this year while I have been in pain and unable to take care of myself like I used to. My friends will again come over and help me out with my dogs, help take care of me and feed me, and keep me company.
After the recovery of my back surgery I hope to enjoy the holidays a bit! I am excited that I will get to celebrate Halloween before I have surgery!
Thank you for reading about my healing journey! I plan to come back and blog about much more after I recover! Stay tuned, and until then, please enjoy this picture of me from the pumpkin patch yesterday!
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